Saturday, 10 November 2018
How To Experience Real Weight Loss With Real Results
Is it difficult to achieve real weight loss and see results?
You know what a catastrophe it is to try diet after diet and not finding real or lasting results? You want to be healthy, fit into some skinny jeans, and walk around with more confidence. But, you know that real weight loss is hard to do and maybe you are so cautious to try again because the fear of failure has a grip on you. But, you are seeking for ways that won't make you crazy as you bravely move forward to accomplish your weight loss goals.
Since you are already looking for solutions, you have some courage left. Fuel that courage and fan the flame of motivation to start today. Taking action is the best way to see results. Don't worry about the past. If the past is full of mistakes, just learn from them and then move on. Once you discover how to experience real weight loss, you will have the steps necessary to progress towards your goals.
Working on my weight loss goals took more focus than I realized. Because of that realization, I was able to see where I had failed before. I lost focus after a week or so. I was determined to make this time different. With action steps to change habits, I was able to keep my focus and surpass my original weight loss goal. Each week was easier than the previous one as I stopped bad habits and implemented new ones.
How To Experience Real Weight Loss With Real Results
*Make it a reality. To set your foot on the right path to see real results, you need to know exactly what path you should be on. Thoughtfully and specifically, jot down your weight loss and health goals. This way you have a direction. Attach a realistic time frame to them.
*Organize. Now that you know where you are headed, plan out your exercise routines, your meal menu, and snack ideas. These are good habits to do each week so that there is no question of what you should be doing.
*Track water. Drinking a ton of water is one of the best ways to experience healthy fat burning. Try to drink at least one hundred ounces a day. Copy down each ounce so you will know how much more you need to drink.
*Rewards. It's great to reward your accomplishments, just don't use food or treats as a reward.
How to Eat Healthy, Lose Weight and Feel Awesome Every Day
When To Eat?
Grazing is by far the best way to eat. By eating small amounts of food throughout the day, you are keeping your metabolism at an optimum level. Metabolism is the rate at which energy (measured in calories) is burned. When your metabolism is high, you burn calories more quickly. When your metabolism is low, your body stores more energy as fat.
When you starve yourself and skip meals, you're telling your body to keep metabolism low. Your body doesn't know when it's going to get energy again, so it stores most of what you eat as fat. When you graze throughout the day, you are constantly supplying your body with energy which tells the body that the energy is abundant and there's no need to store it as fat.
The key is to make sure that you are not taking in excessive amounts of energy. Excessive amounts of energy will also be stored as fat. What's needed here is an understanding of portion sizes.
Food labels are a great source of information on the amount of calories. Don't look at the percentages for now. Just look at the amount of calories per serving and how many servings are in the package.
Regarding the serving size, use measuring cups or spoons to measure out the food or eye-ball a portion based on the number of servings per package. A serving of meat is about the size of a deck of cards.
You're probably going to be shocked at first, but this is good. Now you know how you gained weight! A serving of ice cream, for example, is a half a cup. Take a half a cup of ice cream and put it in the bowl you would normally use for eating ice cream.
Think about the last time you eat potato chips and look at the amount of servings in the bag. One little old Oreo cookie has around 50 calories. How many do you usually eat?
It's hard, I know. We've all been there. How can one eat 15 potato chips and call it good? They are so small! But, if you want to lose weight you need to be aware of what you are putting in your mouth and you need to decide if that amount of calories is worth what you actually get to eat. Will it satisfy you?
By planning ahead and allowing yourself small servings of food throughout the day, you also lessen your risk of overeating at any one meal.
What To Eat?
Now that you know how much and when, you need to know what to eat. You may not be able to adjust everything all at once, so ease yourself into making more healthful choices.
Carbohydrates will be around 50-60% of your daily intake. Your best choices here are vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Read labels carefully and stay clear of products made with refined flour. Often times, foods that seem like healthful choices such as crackers, breads and pastas are loaded with fat, sugar, preservatives and additives; none of which provide your body with any significant nutrients.
Protein choices should be lean. Great choices are chicken or turkey breast, fish and seafood, lean pork, lean beef and any plant source such as beans or soy. Poor choices are sausage, bacon (except for turkey bacon) and poor quality lunchmeat with fillers. Save the higher fat meats such as filet mignon for special occasions.
When it comes to fat, there's good fat and bad fat. Bad fat is saturated or trans fat and is found in high quantities in deep fried foods and the fattier meats in the previous paragraph. A lot of packaged refined products have a lot of saturated or trans fat as well.
Good fats are mono and polyunsaturated fats found in certain oils such as safflower, sunflower and olive oil as well as nuts, seeds and a few veggies or fruits such as avocado. You don't really need to worry about "adding" these to your diet. Replace bad fats with good fats instead.
How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight On A Budget
Learning how to eat healthy and lose weight on a budget takes great discipline, but it is not impossible. Choose today to have complete focus on this and you will be able to triumph and reach your weight loss goals on budget.
You know that feeling at the first of the month when the money situation looks good and then towards the end of the month, the money is gone. This can be a frantic feeling when you still have things you need to do and buy. Especially when you are trying to do what is right by eating healthy and taking care of yourself.
The good thing about learning how to eat healthy and lose weight on budget is that you already have the discipline going for you with the budget. So adding food to the equation and being careful about your consumption will be easier. You'll have more control which is a good start to getting rid of bad habits.
Once I made the decision to focus on my eating, I was able to get organized and was in control of my menu and my budget. Being in control is essential for you to overcome bad habits. The control I found came from simple steps that I worked on consistently until I reached my weight loss goals. I even went beyond my original goal and have been able to maintain with my new found healthy habits.
How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight On A Budget - Less is More!
Less Groceries - Eat less food to save money on your grocery bill and on calories. Focus on lean proteins like fish, chicken and turkey. Only eat red meat occasionally. Choose 3 days a week to stay away from breads, pasta, and grains. This will save money on them and also help your body to digest easier for a faster metabolism.
Less Eating - Focus on smaller portions to lessen your caloric intake and eating less groceries. Use your hand as a guide. A closed fist should be the size of your protein. The palm of your hand is for the size of carbohydrates. The whole open hand is for fruits and veggies.
Less Treats - Don't buy any treats or sugar filled beverages. Drink only water, it is low in cost and is one of the best ways to lose weight quickly.
It's amazing how quickly the pounds shed when you are focused on eating and drinking less. Not only is it inexpensive, your body will have more energy too!
How To Eat For Your Body Type
Determining which body type you belong to can be liberating. It can help you better understand your body composition, the efforts you need to put in to gain muscles, the sports that will suit you, the foods that will help you stay fit and achieve weight loss, and so on.
No matter how hard some people try, genetics will always be a step ahead of them. You can't beat your body type when it comes to fitness or weight loss. Clean eating is an essential aspect of fitness, regardless of your build.
You can boost your health and weight loss and get rid of any barriers you are facing by understanding your body type and knowing how to eat to help it become optimal.
Our body type does not only define how we look but also provides information relating to how our body responds to food intake. It also determines the characteristics of your hormonal and sympathetic nervous system (SNS). It has also been identified that a person's body type can also define their metabolic capabilities and set them apart from other individuals when it comes to processing different types of food and gaining or losing weight. Which means it is an important factor that can be used to optimize your health goals.
Body types consist of three main categories:EctomorphEndomorphMesomorph
Most people can look like they possess characteristics of more than one of these categories, but that is probably because of the years of training and physical care they put into their health and body. And they could also be a mixture of two different body types because of their parents.
Let's now get into what these body types mean and what the ideal diet is in each case.
1. Ectomorph
People belonging to this type are lean and skinny, meaning they have skinny limbs and a slender, narrow body. These types have a high metabolic rate which makes them resilient to weight gain. But that also means that they have difficulty putting on muscles. Ectomorphs can get away with eating excessive amounts food without gaining weight and they do not have problems with weight loss as well. They naturally have low body fat. But that's not to say that they do not need to exercise or live a healthy lifestyle, we all do.
What to Eat
If you belong to the ectomorph category, you must aim to consume higher carbohydrates and lower fats. Carbohydrates work great for this type. Proteins must also be consumed but in moderate quantity. Fats consumed should be of good quality. Examples are nuts, avocado, chia seeds, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil.
For ectomorphs is has been suggested by some experts that distributing the nutrients in these proportions is ideal 55% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 20% fats.
2. Endomorph
Endomorphs sometimes feel they are the unlucky body type, being one myself I often seem challenging to get results and it seems that we always have to work harder than the other two body types to achieve minimal results.
Endomorphs are often fuller, rounder and have the tendency to store a lot of fat. Our body shape is round and the joints are long. We have large bone structure and some people in this category sometimes find it a bit more challenging to live an active lifestyle. This might be due to the challenges and frustrations of not getting the success they want as quickly as they want compared to the other body types.
As endomorphs, our metabolic rate is characteristically very low and that promotes storage of fat and the tendency to gain excess weight. This can be discouraging and frustrating for people with this body type and it is understandable why some people get fed-up and get lazy.
But that is not the right answer either, once they create a plan which includes understanding their body type it is easier to get results and achieve overall success in their weight loss and fitness journey.
Knowing your body type will eliminate all the confusion and misinformation that has added to the frustration that people are experiencing and it will keep things simple but successful. No diet or controlled eating patterns will give the success that learning and understanding our body types, eating for that body type and exercising for that body type can.
What to Eat
An endomorph would need to consume good quality fats and protein. As far as the intake of carbohydrates, it is tricky but very do-able for endomorphs to put more emphasis on good fats and proteins while incorporating some good low glycemic carbohydrates.
Therefore a breakdown of 25% carbohydrates, 35% protein and 40% fat. In simple words, consider eating more fats and protein and fewer carbohydrates is a great place to start and tweaking might be necessary based on results.
3. Mesomorph
This body type is considered to be genetically gifted. Mesomorphs are lean, muscular, athletic and naturally active, making them great at sports. Their bodies are proportionally built, consisting of medium sized bone structure and considerably lean mass. People belonging to this body type can gain and lose weight easily by changing their diet and activity level. Due to high testosterone, mesomorphs can build muscle easily.
What to Eat
If you are a mesomorph, you should consider consuming a balanced diet. Which means splitting eating proportions into 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fat. The ability to gain muscle and weight easily means that you should focus on effective weight management throughout your life.
Going on a trip without a map or directions is the same thing as not knowing your body type but expecting results or success in weight loss or fitness journey. We often don't appreciate what our body does for us without asking until it stops doing it for us. Getting fit, losing weight and achieving health is simple but not easy to do.
But we can make it simple and easier by understanding the subject which is our body. This way we will have the information, understand the needs and get the edge to get what we want.
How To Eat A Healthier Diet
Is learning how to eat a healthier diet the next big thing? The good thing about learning how to eat a healthier diet is that your body will reap the many benefits and your life can be fuller and more energetic.
You know the feeling when you want to change a habit and you try, but the habit is so ingrained that it wins in the end? It seems to shatter your hopes of conquering your bad habit and coming out on top. This is a similar feeling of starting the daunting task of changing the way you eat. But, you are ready for change if you feel sluggish, tired, sick, or have any health issues that threaten a healthy lifestyle.
You already know that being more healthy will help you to have more energy, be more productive, have more confidence and a longer lease on life. And you know that it all begins with what you eat. Now that you know all of this, it is time take action. Decide now to devote yourself and your time to your body and your future. The payoff is tremendous and you will feel so much better inside and out.
Choosing to incorporate a healthier lifestyle really changed things for me. I felt so much more energy and less anxiety and stress. I was able to fearlessly overcome problems and issues as I gained control of my eating habits. The first step is a courageous one, but once I focused, I was able to accomplish my goals and lose even more weight than I first anticipated.
How To Eat A Healthier Diet
You Must: Plan ahead what you are going to buy, fix, cook, and eat for the upcoming week. Planning is a must for healthy eating. Take 10 minutes a week and plan out all your meals and snacks. Next, write out a grocery list. Only buy what is on the list.
You Must: Prepare food in advance to make it more convenient to eat and take places like work. Double your recipe and freeze the rest to make cooking easier. Cut up fruits and veggies and place in baggies. This way you have a healthy snack ready to eat or take somewhere.
You Must: Decide what days you are going to indulge. Choose one day a week to eat your favorite dessert or beverage. Choose 3 days a week to not eat any grains, pastas or breads to cut down on calories and ease digestion.
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